The Best Fun and Competitive Golf Games

The Best On Course Golf Games: A Comprehensive Guide

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Golf is not just a sport; it’s a game of precision, strategy, and camaraderie. While the traditional game of golf is beloved by many, there’s a world of exciting golf games and formats that add a new dimension to the sport. In this blog post, we’ll delve into various golf games, from classic favorites to lesser-known gems, providing a comprehensive guide for golf enthusiasts looking to spice up their rounds.

Hammer Game in Golf: Unleashing Strategy on the Greens

Explore the intriguing concept of the “Hammer Game” in golf, where a player wields a special advantage. Discover how this unique twist adds strategic depth to your golfing experience.

Objective: Strategically double the bet using the designated “Hammer” advantage on specific holes.


  1. Before starting, decide the order in which players will be able to “Hammer” on each hole and what the baseline bet will be on each hole. The person that is the “Hammer” on that hole has a bet with the other 3 players (in a 4 person group).
  2. The player with the Hammer has a unique advantage, such as choosing the order of play and being able to double the bet at any point during that hole.
  3. If a player utilizes the “Hammer” each of the other 3 players can accept the hammer which doubles their bet or immediately concede which means they lost the original bet value on that hole to the “Hammer”.
  4. The Hammer player must decide when to use this advantage to maximize its impact on the overall score. There are a lot of factors at play but a best practice is to utilize the “Hammer” when you have an advantage on at least 2 of the 3 other players. For example, you and another player are both in the fairway but the other two guys are over in the trees.
  5. Tally bets after each hole and see who emerges as the strategic master of the game.

9 Point Golf Game: A Scoring Adventure on Every Hole (3 Player Game)

Dive into the world of the 9 Point Golf Game, a scoring system that keeps players engaged on each hole.

Objective: Accumulate the highest total points by earning points based on performance on each hole.


  1. Assign point values to each player based on each holes score (Lowest score of group = 5 points, 2nd lowest = 3 points, highest score = 1 point).
  2. When two players tie for the low score each player gets 4 points and the high score gets 1 point
  3. When two players tie for the high score the low player gets 5 points and the high two scores each get 2 points
  4. If all 3 opponents tie, each player gets 3 points
  5. Players earn points on each hole based on their performance.
  6. Tally the points after each hole and keep a running total.
  7. The player with the highest total points at the end of the round is the winner.
  8. For additional action, players can do a front 9, back 9, and overall bets where the points are totaled accordingly.
  9. Enjoy the competitive and engaging nature of this scoring system.

Golf Game Banker: Taking Risks and Rewards on the Course

Understand the dynamics of the Golf Game Banker, where a player assumes a special role. Explore how this role affects scoring, betting, and the overall dynamics of the game.

Objective: Experience the unpredictability of the game as players rotate on the role of the “banker.”


  1. Designate one player as the banker to start the round and bet that will be used throughout the game. Usually $1 or $2 is typical as bets can double quickly.
  2. The banker has a bet against each of the other players (3 bets in a 4 player game) on that hole and tees off last.
  3. Each player can “press” or double the bet while their tee shot is still in mid-air. The banker can also press while his tee-shot is in mid-air but doing so doubles his bet with all other players.
  4. Scoring:
    • Low net score wins the bet with the banker
    • A birdie will double and eagle will triple the bet.
  5. Rotate the role of the banker on each hole by taking the low net score of the group as the next banker. As a tiebreaker between two low net scores the banker is whoever made the longest putt.
  6. Going into the 16th tee box the player down the most money becomes the banker and can set the starting bet (previously $1 or $2) to half of the money they are down as an upper limit, anywhere below this is acceptable.
  7. The banker changes the remaining three holes based on who is down the most money and they have the ability to increase the starting bet too half the money they are down if they think they have a shot to win some back.
  8. Embrace the unpredictability and enjoy the added excitement the banker brings to the game.

Golf High Low Game: Every Shot Matters

Delight in the challenge of the Golf High Low Game, where every shot matters.

Objective: In this simple 4 player game, the group will be split into two teams of 2. The low scorers from each team and high scorers from each team compete for points.


  1. Players 1 and 2 form team 1 and players 3 and 4 form team 2. The low score from team 1 is compared against the low score from team 2. The lower score takes 1 point.
  2. Then the high scores from team 1 and 2 are compared, the lower of the 2 scores takes the point for their team.
  3. Each hole there are 2 total points available (1 for low score and 1 for high score) and ties will give a 1/2 point to each team
  4. Variations:
    • Carry over ties to the next hole
    • Make the low score worth more points than the high score

Wolf Golf Game Rules: The Hunt for Victory

Embark on a golfing adventure with the Wolf Golf Game. Understand the rotating role of the Wolf and the strategic decisions involved in teaming up or competing against others.

Objective: Accumulate the most points by strategically choosing partners and competing against others.


  1. Rotate the role of the “Wolf” among players on each hole. Flip a tee to decide the wolf on the first tee. The wolf will tee off last and rotate to tee of first on the next hole. (Example – Hole 1 tee off order 1, 2, 3, 4; Hole 2 – 4, 1, 2, 3 etc.) On the 17th and 18th holes the wolf will be the 1st and 2nd player respectively
  2. The Wolf decides whether to team up with another player or play against the other two. After each players tee shot the wolf decides whether to select one of the players to be their partner. If they don’t select another player he can go as the “Lone Wolf” if they feel they can beat the other three players.
  3. When the Wolf chooses a partner it is low net score between their team against the other two players. If they play as the “Lone Wolf”, their low net score goes against the low net of the other 3 players.
  4. Scoring:
    • Wolf and their partner win – 2 points
    • Non-wolf partners win – 3 points
    • Lone wolf wins – 4 points
    • One player beats the Lone Wolf; all players but the Lone Wolf receive 1 point

Nassau Game Golf (2 to 4 Players): Betting and Bragging Rights

Explore the classic Nassau Game in golf, a popular betting format where players compete for three separate bets: front nine, back nine, and overall score. Uncover the excitement of betting on various aspects of your round.

Objective: Compete for bets on the front nine, back nine, and overall score to earn bragging rights.


  1. Players place bets on the front nine, back nine, and overall score. Typically, a 5-5-5 is done.
  2. This can be done in a 1v1 format or 2v2 where a low net ball is taken from each team.
  3. Each hole is played in match play format. Once a team goes down 2 or more holes they typically “press”. This closes out the first bet and creates a second bet for the remaining holes. For example, say a team went down 3 holes to 1 on the front nine, they would press, and there would be a 2nd bet for the remaining 5 holes on the front nine. The second bet is the same as the original wager allowing the losing team to cover their loss and the winning team to double their money.
  4. The front nine, back nine, and overall bets will be tracked separately and pressed individually.

Golf Quota Game: Meeting Targets and Points

Engage in the Golf Quota Game, where players strive to achieve a predetermined score based on their handicaps.

Objective: Achieve a predetermined score or “quota” based on handicaps, earning points for exceeding the target.


  1. Determine each player’s quota goal based on their handicap. This is done by taking 36 minus a players course handicap.
  2. Then players accumulate points based on their gross score:
    • Bogey – 1 point
    • Par – 2 points
    • Birdie – 4 points
    • Eagle – 8 points
  3. A player wins by exceeding their quota goal by more than all other players or being the closest to their quota goal if nobody reaches it.

Beat the Pro Golf Game: A Test of Skill Against the Best

Test your mettle in the Beat the Pro Golf Game, where players strive to surpass a set score established by a designated “pro” on each hole. Experience the competitive edge that this game brings to your rounds.

Objective: Outperform a predetermined score set by a designated “pro” on each hole.


  1. Designate one player as the “pro” for the round or rotate this role on each hole.
  2. The pro sets a score that serves as the benchmark for other players on that hole.
  3. Scoring:
    • Players strive to beat the pro’s score to earn bragging rights.
    • Define the consequences or rewards for success or failure.
  4. Rotate the role of the pro to allow everyone a chance to set the benchmark.
  5. Betting:
    • Optional: Players can place bets on their ability to beat the pro’s score.
    • Define betting rules and stakes before starting the game.


Golf is a sport that embraces tradition but also leaves room for innovation and enjoyment. Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or a beginner looking for new challenges, these golf games offer a fresh perspective on the greens. Next time you hit the golf course, consider trying out one of these exciting formats to elevate your golfing experience. Enjoy the game, embrace the challenges, and make each round a memorable adventure.

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