Category: Golf Carts

  • How to Replace a Golf Cart Solenoid

    How to Replace a Golf Cart Solenoid

    Many of us who enjoy playing golf depend on golf carts. Maintaining the condition of your golf cart is crucial whether you run errands in your neighborhood or zip about the course. The solenoid is one important element that sometimes requires maintenance. Knowing how to replace a golf cart solenoid can help you save money… Read more

  • How to Test a Golf Cart Solenoid: Complete Guide

    How to Test a Golf Cart Solenoid: Complete Guide

    If you’re like me, your golf cart is more than just a tool; it’s a reliable friend on the course and essential component of your golfing schedule. A malfunction in anything like a solenoid can throw off your whole performance. Although testing your golf cart solenoid sounds difficult, with some direction you can manage this… Read more

  • How Many Batteries Does a Golf Cart Take: The Complete Guide

    How Many Batteries Does a Golf Cart Take: The Complete Guide

    If you have ever asked, “How many batteries does a golf cart take?” you are exactly at the perfect place. Knowing the battery needs of a golf cart helps me personally understand its importance. Whether you’re riding your golf cart around your neighborhood or your local course, correct battery count guarantees it operates without difficulties.… Read more

  • Complete Guide to Golf Cart Cigar Holders

    Complete Guide to Golf Cart Cigar Holders

    Many golfers find that cigars and their game go hand in hand. Something about the mix of a slow round of golf with the strong scent of a nice cigar seems perfect. If you like me, though, you have most likely struggled to keep your cigar safe and secure while playing. The golf cart cigar… Read more

  • When Were Golf Carts Invented? Everything You Need to Know

    When Were Golf Carts Invented? Everything You Need to Know

    Although they are a mainstay on golf courses all around nowadays, have you ever given any thought on when golf carts were developed? These little, effective vehicles have transformed our experience with golf, simplifying and increasing enjoyment for players of all kinds. Let’s explore golf cart history, including the development of electric and gas-powered models.… Read more

  • Golf Cart Battery Water: Expert Maintenance Guide

    Golf Cart Battery Water: Expert Maintenance Guide

    Like any vehicle, golf carts require regular maintenance to stay working as intended. Maintaining a golf cart mostly depends on controlling the battery water level. This guide will go over all you need to know about golf cart battery water from the type of water you should use to know how often you should check the… Read more

  • How to Test Golf Cart Batteries: The Complete Guide

    How to Test Golf Cart Batteries: The Complete Guide

    Having been a long-time owner of a golf cart and a frequent golfer, I have experienced plenty of battery problems on the course. A dead golf cart smack in the middle of a great round is the most annoying thing. I have discovered over time that maintaining a ride free from problems depends on routinely… Read more

  • 90 Degree Rule Golf Carts: Everything You Need to Know

    90 Degree Rule Golf Carts: Everything You Need to Know

    If you have visited a golf course, you have most likely heard someone reference the 90 degree guideline golf carts must abide by. But why is this essential and precisely what does this mean? What you need to know about the 90 degree rule golf will be broken out in this post, together with useful… Read more

  • What to Look for When Buying a Used Golf Cart

    What to Look for When Buying a Used Golf Cart

    Purchasing old can be a wonderful way to save some money if you’re in the market for a golf cart—for either neighborhood mobility or course cruise. To guarantee you receive a decent bargain, though, understanding what to look for when purchasing a used golf cart is really vital. Having gone through the process a few… Read more

  • How Many Wheels Does a Golf Cart Have?

    How Many Wheels Does a Golf Cart Have?

    Every one of the numerous designs and sizes of golf carts has unique qualities. Examining golf carts, one of the first questions you might ask is, “How many wheels does a golf cart have?” Wheel count of a golf cart determines its performance, stability, and appropriateness for a specific terrain quite a lot. Together, we… Read more